About The Project
traditions of Africa, particularly Morocco, and to share the stories of their own cultures.
The events are open to all and free. They are designed to entertain and create a space for cultural exchange between artists and the public.
Our goal is to celebrate storytelling as a universally loved art while honoring the unique cultures and traditions that each storyteller brings.
During their stay in Marrakech, these storytellers will explore the techniques and styles of African storytelling and particularly those of
Moroccan storytelling. At the same time, they will share stories from their own cultures, giving the audience a glimpse of different regions ofthe world from Marrakech.
“Tales Across Borders” is not just about entertainment. It is an opportunity for artists and audiences to learn from each other, appreciating the
similarities and differences in the art of storytelling across the world. In doing so, we highlight the power of stories to connect us, no matterour backgrounds, while cherishing the diversity that makes every culture special.

– Revive the art of storytelling as intangible heritage and make it accessible to all.
– Promote Moroccan storytellers on an international stage and connect them to a large international network.
– Foster a broader creative platform for story-telling artists.
– Boost cultural tourism in Marrakech through these international events.
– Create intercultural cooperation with different countries.
– Promote peace and the values of coexistence through storytelling.
General Program:

Pelstinian-Jordanian-Moroccan Storytelling evening with the storytelling masters Sally Shalabi and Hamza Aqrabawi
Dates: 28-29-30 March Theme: Epics of Arabia
English-Moroccan Storytelling evening with the storytelling masters John Row et Jan Blake
Dates: 25-26-27 April Theme: Trade Routes: Marrakech - Manchester
Storytelling evening ALL-Star Morocco Featuring Mlm. Mohamed Bariz, Mlm. Zouhair Khaznaoui, Mohamed M’Rabet, Ilham
EL Mansour, Mariam Cannan and others... Dates: 23-24-25 May Theme: Tamghrabit
Tunisian-Moroccan storytelling evening with the storytelling masters Youssef Baklouti and Hicham
Darouich Dates: 26-27-28 September Theme: From Qaraouien to Qairawan : Birds of Wisdom
North-American-Moroccan storytelling evening with the storytelling masters Baba-C and Debra Weller
Dates: 24-25-26 October Theme: On the path of Estabinico (Mustapha AL-Azmouri)
Iranian-Moroccan Storytelling evening featuring Zahra Asfahan and Abid Rostami
Dates: 26-27-28 December Theme: On the Path of Love